'Rooftop Domestic, Back of Milford House', oil on canvas, 160 x 110cm
Now 3 years since my last Dunedin show, this exhibition is a collection of paintings in, of and around about Dowling Street.
Having lived and worked on this street for 15 years the idea was to simply celebrate this colourful, diverse and very Dunedin location. Every place portrayed is within a short radius of my studio and makes for a personal idiosyncratic look at what is probably the unofficial Arts precinct of Dunedin. With 4 or 5 galleries or other art spaces on this one street, I'm sure if you crunched the numbers it would likely be the most densely populated arts area per-capita in the country. A wild claim perhaps but I think a good argument nonetheless.
I really have had a lot of fun putting this collection together. It's one those things where if you live and breath a location and have an idea for a painting, it can become so easy just to say 'I will paint that one later...' as it's literally right outside the window or front door. This exhibition pulls together the many strands and ideas about this place I call home.
Click here for exhibition invite PDF page 1 & page 2
Click here for exhibition catalogue PDF - Dowling Street
*Please note the show will open at The Dowling St Studios 6pm Friday 10th November and run there for the Saturday and Sunday 12pm - 2pm. From Monday 13th the show then moves to The Artist's Room, 2 Dowling St open 10 am to 5pm till November 30th.
All enquiries to -
michelle@theartistsroom.co.nz +64 3 474 1111