Peninsula Vista, Queenstown Gardens
Summer Route Burn Loop Track V
Summer Routeburn Loop Track VI
Top Waterfall, The Cascades, Whakanewha Regional Park, Waiheke Island
Summer Routeburn Loop Track
Summer Routeburn Loop Track II
24/26 Cresswell St
7 Willis St
Devon St
5 Willis St
Old Barn, Near Ashburton
Southland Sheds (Berlin Remix)
Peninsula Vista, Queenstown Gardens
Peninsula Vista, Queenstown Gardens

Oil on canvas, 170 × 100cm

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Summer Route Burn Loop Track V
Summer Route Burn Loop Track V

Oil on canvas, 100 × 80cm

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Summer Routeburn Loop Track VI
Summer Routeburn Loop Track VI

Oil on canvas, 100 × 80cm

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Top Waterfall, The Cascades, Whakanewha Regional Park, Waiheke Island
Top Waterfall, The Cascades, Whakanewha Regional Park, Waiheke Island

Oil on canvas, 170 x 95cm

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Summer Routeburn Loop Track
Summer Routeburn Loop Track

Oil on canvas, 160 x 110cm

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Summer Routeburn Loop Track II
Summer Routeburn Loop Track II

Oil on canvas, 150 x 110cm

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Oil on canvas, 132 x 100

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24/26 Cresswell St
24/26 Cresswell St

Oil on canvas, 145 x 100cm

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7 Willis St
7 Willis St

Oil on canvas, 140 x 100cm

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Devon St
Devon St

Oil on canvas, 132 x 100cm

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5 Willis St
5 Willis St

Oil on canvas, 132 x 110cm

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Old Barn, Near Ashburton
Old Barn, Near Ashburton

Oil on canvas, 160 x 110cm

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Southland Sheds (Berlin Remix)
Southland Sheds (Berlin Remix)

Oil on canvas, 160 x 110cm

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