Car park off George Street, oil on canvas, 150 x 110cm
For the 8th year now, Sam Foley has been a selected finalist for this important competition and traveling exhibition, featuring prominently on the NZ Arts calendar.
‘This is an oil on canvas painting depicting graffiti on a sun-baked concrete wall. The graffiti shown is not particularly elegant, significant or in any way beautiful. However, the painting itself is well executed, photographic in its portrayal with the surface pleasingly textured. The sun shines but the invitation to enter the space ends there. A perspective that creates depth to draw a viewer into the scene is absent. It is a dead-end of composition. There is no obvious way out, only the hinted shadow of a nearby tree, possibly leading to greener pastures. There is also the intimated violence of private/public property willfully damaged by the act. A tension is created between a beautifully rendered but mostly mundane, even ugly scene. Look away... but do look back.’
Sam Foley , July 2020
Exhibition dates -
Wallace Arts Centre, Pah Homestead
15 September – 15th November.
(The Salon des Refusés finishes on Oct 25th)
Pātaka Art+Museum
Official opening Sunday 6th of December, ending Sunday 28 February 2021.
Wallace Gallery Morrinsville
March – May 2021.